It has been too long since my last post and this can only be explained by my complete and utter lack of motivation to write about myself. However, as it pleases my one follower, "Hi Sean", I have decided to pick it up again.
Once again, as the end is near, now is the time for that inevitable reflection of the past 12 months. This year has been marked by sadness and unaccomplished goals. A dear friend's dad, along with my uncle were fighting a losing battle, and lost. Another friend's mom just begun the battle and has since been kicking it's ass. Stay strong, LS, we are all cheering for your victory.We all deal with death and grief in our own ways and sometimes, it can be constructive, other times, destructive. All we can do it be supportive and love each other and hope for the best outcome.
It has also been a wonderfully rewarding time full of many new discoveries in my 21 month old's life. In the short span of 12 months, she has mastered walking, running, jumping, spinning and dancing. Her first little sentence of "I see you!" warms my heart and brings me great happiness. She makes me laugh every single day and I am thankful for every second she is in my life. That being said, she is also the reason that there are about 20 unfinished projects literally strung all throughout my house.
As far as my crocheting, I am happy to have accomplished so much thus far. When I think of the extent of my talent before having a child, compared to now, I am completely amazed. I have gone from to beginner, to advanced intermediate in a few months. My Etsy career is far from lucrative, but I will be there someday. I work with such a passion (and a committment to stay home with her) and I know that I will be rewarded.
A subject that has come up many times lately is whether or not a person's emotions can be carried through a non-living object. For example: I believe that my love and dedication to my family can be felt in my work as a warm and healing energy. Just as a thought or a prayer can be "heard" from afar. For each object, I can imagine the recipient and the happiness that it may bring. I develop such an attachment that I feel like my work must be a tiny part of me that I am letting out into the world as you would a balloon at a ceremony. Every stitch is like a letter, and the finished product the book of my life. Isn't it a wonderful feeling to be given something that was made by the hands of another rather than a nameless, machine or factory? I could make a thousand of the exact same thing and no two would ever be the same. Just as no two people are the same. Think about this next time you are at the store or in the market to purchase new things. Perhaps supporting each other is a much better decision.
Art extends each man's short time on earth by carrying from man to man the whole complexity of other men's lifelong experience, with all its burdens, colors and flavor. -Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn