Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Is it January yet?

IMG00262-20101118-1723.jpg Inspiration

 What a struggle this has been lately. We are still trying to get caught up from the move, adjust to our new schedules, tend to a sick little one and maintain some sort of order. I have had busy hands trying to whip out my crochet gifts of two blankets, a shrug and multiple hats. At least it is something to keep my mind off of other stresses. My new blanket I'm working on is turning out really nice. I wasn't sure of the colors at first because I thought they may be a little too funky, but it is actually just the right amount of funk. The other blanket that I have been working on for a little while is affectionately titled 'Pile of Fall'. I have not yet come up with a name for the new one. In between projects, we have snuck out for some X-mas activities. We went to the Festival of Trees here benefiting the Children's Hospital and saw some really amazing displays.

 Pile of Leaves

Update: I was unable to complete the blankets, but came really close. I presented the unfinished projects and while I had to take them back, both recipients were very thrilled. It is now Feb and I am embarrassed to say that I put them away after Christmas, and have yet to tie up the ends on one and finish the other. Perhaps another day.....
The hats remain unfinished, however, the shawl was complete. Like I said, tough month. :(

Friday, November 26, 2010

Black Friday

Been a few days since my last post and I am happy to see that I have a loyal follower!
I spoke to my brother a few days ago after not hearing from him for several months. My heart is full of joy after getting off the phone with him as he sounded so happy and full of life. I have waited a long time to hear that in his voice. I only wish that we could spend these moments together. Best of luck Chris and I love you so much!! I'm always here.
Had a wonderful Thanksgiving and several "crafternoons" full of energy and creativity. I made about six pairs of earrings and it felt good to get some of that out. Trying to get around to posting some pictures of the blanket that I am working on and the inspiration behind that so that is still to come. The weather recently went from fall to winter in the matter of a few hours. The mountains are now snow covered and there is still snow on the ground. It has been a chilling temp in the single digits for a few days now. Perfect for looking out the window from the nice warm house.
I think that I may have found an avenue to work for just a few hours a week and make enough to supply my new yarn addiction...or groceries I suppose. As soon as the baby is well and sleeping better, I should have some more time to work on my crafts. It has been a tough year, but I wouldn't change any of it and I still can't believe how fast it has gone by. My little one will be 12 months in 4 short months and it is bittersweet. I wish that I could add a few more months in there, and a few more hours a day while I'm at it.
Looking forward to holiday festivities this year and an actual "White Christmas". Current project is hats for the family. What's the point of cute hair if my ears are frozen?

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The most wonderful time of the year....

I had forgotten how much I miss Fall. The colors seem much more vibrant here. Beautiful reds and golds of the turning leaves, and pinks and purples reflected on the mountains. The Great Salt Lake illuminates the sky above with these irridescent shades of blue and turquoise. It is no wonder that I feel most inspired and creative this time of year. I love the way the cold brisk air smells first thing in the morning. The way it feels to be hugged in the warm soft fabrics you wear in the fall, and how there is this certain rush of nature as it prepares for survival through the harsh winter. Maybe that is why it feels so natural to want to spend more time with your family, or even reconnect with special friends. As I watch the family of quail bob around outside my window, it seems the same for humans that we congregate together and eat to fatten up for the coming season. This is also an exciting time to me as right around the corner is the new year. It's like a fresh start, a do-over. A chance to set things right what you spent all year screwing up. I for one, am in desperate need of this new beginning. However, I'm in no rush to speed through the next month and a half as this time of year also brings a time for great refection. An opportunity to see things in new light and appreciate and be grateful for what we have.  I feel especially charitable and helpful, and I want to make a difference in people's lives. I have been thinking of things that I could do for others and for myself. I'm looking into charitable programs through my local craft stores that myself and my family can get involved with. I would love to take handmade toys to the Children's Hospital and see the looks on their sweet little faces. There is so much love that goes into everything I make that I would like to spread it all around like a gigantic blanket. There is plenty of time to start over, but for now I want to enjoy every moment of this beautiful season. That's it for me for now, off to work on some projects before my "baby alarm" goes off. Happy Holidays!! 

Monday, November 15, 2010


Happy to report, no broken bones and no work restrictions. Just picked up our new couch and the apartment finally is starting to feel like a home. Can't wait to start focusing more on my crafts and get my sewing machine set up so that I can start on my rugs. First things first, Christmas. This year is starting to feel so much more like the holidays to me and I don't know if it is having my own little one, or being closer to family, or the snow.....either way, I am actually REALLY excited. This time of year usually makes me feel really drained and stressed and I kind of dread the whole thing. This year will be so different. I'll post some pictures soon of the projects I'm working on and the holiday festivities. It is good motivation to finish things now that I have presents to make. Oh, and the baby has a tooth poking through! It is both exciting and scary to see her growing so fast. I want to cherish every moment and I feel like I've been so stressed that she just changes before my eyes and I don't even notice. I want to settle down and just enjoy my time home because after all, I really am lucky.

Sunday, November 14, 2010


Ok God, this isn't funny anymore. What exactly am I not getting? I know that there must be something to learn from these experiences, but in the moment, I only feel stress. Our breadwinner fell on his hand last night and may have broken it. It's a little scary now as we wait to go to the Dr. to see if he'll be able to continue working. Of course I would get a job if it came down to it, our family must be provided for. Somehow I don't think MY 9-5 would end at 5 as there will always be laundry and dishes and dinner and the baby to tend to. I must find a way to turn my creative outlet into monetary value. What is my time worth? Staying home with my daughter is priceless, but unfortunately, it doesn't pay our bills. Purple, magenta, teal and just a hint of navy thrown in to spice things up. Endless ripples and the only thoughts in my head are 1, 2, 3, 4 ,5, 6, 7 chain 2...lose myself in crochet. It's not like we spilled hot coffee on ourselves from an unnamed restaurant and now are suing for damages to the ring of 1 million dollars. Now that I think about it, I could use a cup of coffee.....HOT coffee.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Welcome to the wonderful world of Joleen

I am inspired by the things around me to do something great with my life, but lack the motivation or drive to get going. I have no direction, no roadmap if you will. My head is full of these wonderful ideas that do not seem to make it out. I'm clouded by reality and responsibility and life. Negativity holds me back. These ideas, these thoughts and images, are my life and I no longer want them to remain in my head. I must move forward and in doing so, I am keeping this chronological record of all the wonderful things I set out to do. So long suckers, you can't stop me now.