Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Is it January yet?

IMG00262-20101118-1723.jpg Inspiration

 What a struggle this has been lately. We are still trying to get caught up from the move, adjust to our new schedules, tend to a sick little one and maintain some sort of order. I have had busy hands trying to whip out my crochet gifts of two blankets, a shrug and multiple hats. At least it is something to keep my mind off of other stresses. My new blanket I'm working on is turning out really nice. I wasn't sure of the colors at first because I thought they may be a little too funky, but it is actually just the right amount of funk. The other blanket that I have been working on for a little while is affectionately titled 'Pile of Fall'. I have not yet come up with a name for the new one. In between projects, we have snuck out for some X-mas activities. We went to the Festival of Trees here benefiting the Children's Hospital and saw some really amazing displays.

 Pile of Leaves

Update: I was unable to complete the blankets, but came really close. I presented the unfinished projects and while I had to take them back, both recipients were very thrilled. It is now Feb and I am embarrassed to say that I put them away after Christmas, and have yet to tie up the ends on one and finish the other. Perhaps another day.....
The hats remain unfinished, however, the shawl was complete. Like I said, tough month. :(