Friday, November 26, 2010

Black Friday

Been a few days since my last post and I am happy to see that I have a loyal follower!
I spoke to my brother a few days ago after not hearing from him for several months. My heart is full of joy after getting off the phone with him as he sounded so happy and full of life. I have waited a long time to hear that in his voice. I only wish that we could spend these moments together. Best of luck Chris and I love you so much!! I'm always here.
Had a wonderful Thanksgiving and several "crafternoons" full of energy and creativity. I made about six pairs of earrings and it felt good to get some of that out. Trying to get around to posting some pictures of the blanket that I am working on and the inspiration behind that so that is still to come. The weather recently went from fall to winter in the matter of a few hours. The mountains are now snow covered and there is still snow on the ground. It has been a chilling temp in the single digits for a few days now. Perfect for looking out the window from the nice warm house.
I think that I may have found an avenue to work for just a few hours a week and make enough to supply my new yarn addiction...or groceries I suppose. As soon as the baby is well and sleeping better, I should have some more time to work on my crafts. It has been a tough year, but I wouldn't change any of it and I still can't believe how fast it has gone by. My little one will be 12 months in 4 short months and it is bittersweet. I wish that I could add a few more months in there, and a few more hours a day while I'm at it.
Looking forward to holiday festivities this year and an actual "White Christmas". Current project is hats for the family. What's the point of cute hair if my ears are frozen?

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