Monday, November 15, 2010


Happy to report, no broken bones and no work restrictions. Just picked up our new couch and the apartment finally is starting to feel like a home. Can't wait to start focusing more on my crafts and get my sewing machine set up so that I can start on my rugs. First things first, Christmas. This year is starting to feel so much more like the holidays to me and I don't know if it is having my own little one, or being closer to family, or the snow.....either way, I am actually REALLY excited. This time of year usually makes me feel really drained and stressed and I kind of dread the whole thing. This year will be so different. I'll post some pictures soon of the projects I'm working on and the holiday festivities. It is good motivation to finish things now that I have presents to make. Oh, and the baby has a tooth poking through! It is both exciting and scary to see her growing so fast. I want to cherish every moment and I feel like I've been so stressed that she just changes before my eyes and I don't even notice. I want to settle down and just enjoy my time home because after all, I really am lucky.

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